Sunday, February 28, 2010

Sneak Preview

Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep

Platform: PSP

Release Date: Third Quarter 2010
Developer: Square Enix

I know what you're all thinking--"oh great, a new reason for all the Roxas fan girls to squeal." However, seeing as the first two Kingdom Hearts games were simply fantastic for me--I'm looking forward to the new PSP title, Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep.

The story is rather complex: three different characters, three different storylines, and three different save files. That's what's been revealed thus far for the game without a release date other than "2010." We know for a fact that it IS coming to America(don't ask how or I might get into trouble), we just don't know when.

The graphics in the videos and the screenshots look absolutely spectacular--you'll find it hard to believe that this is merely a PSP game, where the majority of the games for the system resemble PSone graphics. And yet, the charming, cinematic quality and the high-polygon count of all the characters still remains intact.

If anything, the battle system resembles the Kingdom Hearts I and II battle system, but with more customizable options and less limitations with summons. Players should have the choice to rapidly mash the Attack button, or let loose with a flurry of magic. Plus, the skillset promises to be more vast than any Kingdom Hearts game ever.

Look to the stars for this highly anticipated prequel to the Kingdom Hearts series sometime this year, most likely Winter 2010.

*all images originally from

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