Sunday, June 13, 2010

The End of An Era...

Thanks for the memories, Dance Dance Revolution!

Years ago, the K-Mart that housed the arcade with the Dance Dance Revolution machine closed down and was replaced by a Lowe's. The only place for me and my pals(now all in our twenties) to stomp around like a bunch of spazzes is at Dave n Buster's, or at the local bowling alley--even Gameworks is gone.

DDR Extreme 2 marked the last Dance Dance Revolution game I wanted to play. I've played DDR Supernova and I'm afraid to play Supernova 2 or Dance Dance Revolution X(featuring Fall Out Boy and Britney Spears).

I'd like to thank all my buddies who played this game with me--you all know who you are, you shouldn't be ashamed of dancing like a doofus.

And of course, thank you Gamespot and IGN and for providing the pictures.

Thanks for reading these Nostalgiabombastic reviews!

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